A review by ubalstecha
Good Enough by Paula Yoo


Patti's Korean parents want what's best for her. In their minds, this means getting into one of the best universities in the US or HARVARDYALEPRINCETON as they tend to call them. To this end, they have pushed her to get outstanding marks, join a church youth group, learn to play the cello and get first chair of the state youth orchestra in order to beef up her application.

Patti wants to do well to, but her definition has started to change. Her grades are important, but so is the new cute guy who has joined her homeroom. Music is also important to her, maybe even more important than HARVARDYALEPRINCETION. Patti begins to rebel against her parents, searching for an identity that is her own.

This is an amazing book by Paula Yoo about growing up Korean-American in North America. Patti is a believable heroine who rebels in the only way she knows how, through her love of music. It is also realistic in its representation of the relationships between both Patti and her peers, as well as her parents. Worth picking up.