A review by andye_reads
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


It's not that I didn't like this book. And overall I really enjoyed this series a lot. But of the four books, this was definitely my least favorite. I felt like it really lagged for me, and I just felt myself wondering when something was going to happen. It was a lot of contemplation and wordsing (haha), and not a lot of action, or even dialogue.

A couple of things that I noticed, that contributed to my feelings about this book, were the anti-climactic romance between Blue & Gansey, and the introduction of Henry. I feel like "the kiss" was such a huge part of the story, and there was so much build up, and it was dragged out so long, that it really should have been...more. And as far as Henry goes, he was a perfectly fine character, but you can't just introduce such an important character, who supposedly plays such an important role, in the last of four books, and expect me to care about him. There was so much about him and Gansey in this book and I just didn't want to hear about them. I want to hear about the boys and Blue. And he's not one of the boys. It almost seemed like the plot needed to move in a certain direction, so she had to make up a character so that it could happen. There was no (notable) talk of him before this book, and it just didn't fit for me. I like for series to be more connected and planned out, and Henry made it feel disjointed.

Overall though, I did really like the series a lot. I'm really glad that I listened to it, finally. And even though my comments here are mostly negative, I would still recommend the series. This book definitely gets dark, and a little scary for some, but Maggie's writing really is beautiful.