A review by brittanyallyn
Behold the Bones by Natalie C. Parker


4.5. Almost as good as the first book. Almost everything about this book was great, and I loved the way it expanded in the swamp lore laid down by the first book. The only place this book went wrong was with the boys, specifically Gage and Riley, but also Quentin. There was just too much going on with them to the point where there actually was never enough, as in Gage's role was almost insignificant despite him seeming important in the beginning, Riley's complete 180 from antagonist to sweet love interest left me expecting a twist that never came, and Quentin was irritatingly the most fleshed out of the three boys when he really didn't deserve to be. I also expected more background development for Abigail, and now I'm left desperately hoping that she'll get her own book despite Goodreads not having it listed, it would be wrong for Sterling and Candy to get one each but not Abigail.