A review by pattydsf
The Two Kinds of Decay by Sarah Manguso


“My existence shrank from an arrow of light pointing into the future forever to a speck of light that was the present moment. I got better at living in that point of light, making the world into that point. I paid close attention to it. I loved it very much.”

I don’t know what brought this book to my attention. I do know that I was able to get a copy on https://www.paperbackswap.com/ and so I used some credits to purchase it. However, I do wish I could remember how I first heard of Manguso.

This is, on the surface, a quick read. It is 184 pages with lots of blank space. However, the subject matter, grave illness, does not lend itself to speed. I had to pace myself as I read. I wanted to know more and to know less. Illness and possible death come to everyone, but it was tough to experience someone else’s illness. Life was very hard for Manguso and that was difficult for this reader. I knew she had to have gotten better for she had written this book. It must be clear by now, that I was conflicted by this story.

I am glad I read it. I think I need to revisit it in a different place and time. I was reading it as a friend was dealing with debilitating back pain. Watching my friend and reading this book was probably not the best combination. Some of Manguso’s words were hard for me to absorb.

I don’t believe that this is a tale for everyone. Much will depend on where you are in life. However, if you want to read about compassion and care as well as dealing with tough issues, you might want to consider this book.