A review by paginasdealex
Twilight / Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer


The review is for Life and Death only.
3.5/5 stars.
It was really interesting to read this with a boy as the main character. Somehow, aspects that I found normal were suddenly dangerous.

When Jessica tells Bella that nobody is good enough for Edward, I thought 'who turned you down'.
When Jeremy said it to Beau, somehow it sounded worse. Like he was making her guilty for not liking him or something.

When Bella gets Edward she's the bitch that's not good enough. When Beau gets Edythe he's got 'game'. Double standards suck.

The ending tho... I did not see that coming and at the same time, this is how I first thought twilight would end. It was interesting to see this perspective.

The stories of the Cullen clan changed too, this made me think differently of them, and also it changed my favorites.
Carlisle was with his father chasing vampires, but Carine was a revenge victim.
When Esme jumped from the cliff it was because she lost her baby. But Earnest's daughter was killed by his wife. He jumped after them.
Alice and Archie share similar stories. Emmet and Eleanor do too. Edythe's and Edward's are the same.
Jasper got what he bargained for, he joined the militia and left his family. Jessamine was kidnapped and who knows what else. It made her story ten times worse than his.
And Royal was beaten to death by his fiancé 's lover. Also, the whole 'Eleanor is not worth the life" thing, ugh. At least I was sure Rose loved Emmett.

It was little, but somehow it made victims of some of them, when before I believed they had it coming.

Meyer said she wrote this to prove Bella's choices were courageous and I agree. To me Love is the one thing you should never give up on, and both Bella and Beau fought for it. I hope this makes some people think of it again.

Edited: nov/07