A review by timinbc
The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch


Part of me is glad the book was so long, because it let me wallow in Locke's wonderful world that much longer. The other part of me realizes that Lynch used 1000 pages to tell an 800-page story.

Yes, story, not storey - and the plural of "story" is "stories," publisher. When you get a word wrong, try not to use it 50 times in the book, OK?

Locke was his usual self, being clever but all too often talking himself into trouble again. Things moved along well enough in both plots.

I'm glad Sabetha finally appeared, and that she was a strong and capable female character. I'm not glad her approach-avoidance routine was dragged out for so long.

Didn't much like the ending; it seemed to be there exclusively for the purpose of setting up another volume, and as such did a poor job of concluding this one.

As others noted, the magi are severely fucked up. This opens interesting new avenues for future novels. So many books have a baddie who acts more or less logically, and these will make a nice change.

Also as others noted, not as great as book 1 but better than #2. And better than most out there.