A review by nlwisz
Nancy's Mysterious Letter by Carolyn Keene


I feel like I need to preface this review by saying that I love a good Nancy Drew mystery and I know that they tend to be farfetched in a lot of regards...but gosh, this one is just wacky. It’s not even plausible on so many levels. There are so many bizarre coincidences that it doesn’t even feel like a real “mystery” because somehow, some way, things just happen to work out. There’s a random girl who falls into an inheritance and she just so happens to also be named Nancy Drew, and she could be anywhere in the world but she just so happens to be in the vicinity of River Heights for a special production, and of all the Wilsons that could possibly be listed in the New York City phone book, Nancy just so happens to get in touch with the right one....and the sheer absurdity goes on. Also, her boyfriend Ned is *both* the quarterback and the kicker for the college football team, which makes NO sense at all and as a football fan it irked me, LOL. Nancy and her friends buy same-day flights to New York to solve the mystery and I’m thinking...if they could drive from River Heights (a fictional town in who-knows-where) to Emerson (which is in Boston presumably, unless we are to believe this is a fictional Emerson College) then why in the heck are they flying to NYC which is only a couple more hours’ drive?? Nancy is rich enough for this frivolous spending, I suppose. ANYWAY, Nancy and Co arrive at the airport and Nancy is knocked out with chloroform in the bathroom but she still manages to catch her flight. I am not sure why the couple they are seeking weren’t on the same flight but ok. The girls chase down the other Nancy Drew and warn her that she’s about to be scammed, the bad guy is arrested and confesses at once, and the ending is happy for all involved. Nancy, I love ya girl, I do, but this one was just a little too cray-cray for me. On to the next one.