A review by lilybear
Brothers of the Wild North Sea by Harper Fox


An epic and poetic tale in the wild north about faith, lust, and battle. In the time of rising Christianity and Viking raids. Ciaus belongs to a humble monastery in the middle of nowhere called Farrah. A Viking raid forces Ciauss to abandon his peaceful monastic ways and embrace his warrior Roman roots to defend the monastery and his fellow brothers. When a finds a fallen Viking warrior and must choose to offer bloodthirsty vengeance or God's loving mercy. The Viking Fenrir is wild and beautiful and as he recovers in Ciaus's care a bond grows between the two men. Together they must overcome more trials of faith and blood, both on and off the battlefield. The warrior monk and the Viking brother weather the strange trials of life together. Hanging over them is the mysterious treasure of Farrah rumored to have the power to end the Viking raids and bring peace to the people. This book made me scream, cry and laugh all in the same breath. A truly memorable and intense experience.
This was a masterfully done mix of Christian lore and Nordic myth full of bloody battles and emotional intensity. The deep seeded bond between Ciaus and Fenrir is tested by the very gods and sea and I loved every tense moment of it. But what I loved most of all was how Ciaus was constantly pulled by two different parts of his identity. Right and wrong. Faith and science. His heart and his obligation. And each time he finds that the answer is never absolute. He has to find his own way. His own place in the hazy grey border of all those different truths. It just created this beautiful journey full of jagged edges of reality and smeared with some near magical qualities of faith.