A review by z_brarian
The Vanquishers by Kalynn Bayron


Vampires in middle school? Yes please! I loved this modern day Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Van Helsing, Vampire Hunter style story. Boog is a strong leader and fights for what she believes in. There was a LOT of humor in the story too. The parents were strict but only because they worry and want what’s best for the kids. The reader can definitely empathize with Boog and her feelings about her overprotective parents. What Middle Schooler doesn’t want their parents all up in their business. I cannot WAIT for the sequel!!!

What’s supposed to be the same old same old in MS turns out to be Boog/Malika’s destiny/future. She knows about the Reaping of all vampires, she’s heard the tales of the Vanquishers, she even KNOWS one…she thinks her parents are over the top with safety measures, when there hasn’t been a vampire sighting in over 20 years…but when her new friend Aaron goes missing, she doesn’t know what to think. Together with her best friends, she has to “spray” out the vamps and try to find Aaron while trying NOT to get into trouble with her parents or Mr. Rupert, the annoying new counselor.