A review by kyshakitty
Destruction by Sharon Bayliss


I was supposed to have this read and reviewed prior to release day, which was April 14. Oops!

The author gave me this ARC to review. You can see my release day post here.

Now I really liked the synopsis of this book and hoped to enjoy it. But I didn’t. I feel like this is a 3 star book at best.

I usually fall in love with at least 1 character in a story, but in this one I felt nothing. None of the characters. The main character David is very flat and boring. He is too typical white middle class America and so is his clueless wife. Their 3 kids are self absorbed spoiled brats like most kids these days. The new kids are out of touch with reality and obviously mentally disturbed. The chemistry between the characters was forced and/or nonexistent. Their all being witches just made the story that much more unbelievable. I know this is fiction, but it is contemporary fiction so it needs to be believable in some places. The poor girl that gets dumped on them and then assaulted is useless to the story. I would rather the oldest son, Jude, beat someone up or even kill someone instead of raping a 13 year old girl. Seriously that was unnecessary.

The whole magic makes you crazy thing was too much for me. The characters used that excuse for everything that anyone did wrong and anytime something bad happened. They treated magic like a disease.

I love reading stories about witches but them being witches didn’t further the plot at all. This seriously could have been a story about them secretly being black and set in the 40′s or 50′s and would have made just as much sense.

I am sorry that I have to write a negative review because I usually just do not review a book I don’t like. I told Ms. Bayliss I would write and honest review and this is my personal opinion. I am sure there are lots of people who love this book and cannot wait for the sequel, but I am sadly not one of them.