A review by jennthegreat251
The Strangler by William Landay


I read defending Jacob and was so in love with the book I decided to read more from the author. I was not disappointed at all. Defending Jacob is still my number one book from Landay but not by much. This book was great and was completely different to defending Jacob. I could tell it was the same author but I didn’t feel like it was the same book over again.

I thought it was interesting and I plan to learn more about the actual Boston strangler having read this story. There are a lot of twists and turns. I often found myself looking for foreshadowing and trying to guess how the plot would unravel. I assumed after defending Jacob there would be a shocker and the entire book I was trying to figure it out.

Landay is a very descriptive writer and at times I found myself a little bored with his winded sometimes half page descriptions. I did find there was a lot of repetition that could have been edited out. Even more daunting, was the repetitive never ending descriptions. For example the migraines. I can honestly say I could probably describe one accurately from the inside out :/ (please Michael no more migraines I can’t handle the 3 pages I have to read describing it) but on a serious note, I think his goal was to make you feel the all encompassing pain of it but the reader only needs that once.

Overall it was a great read! I would definitely read another of his books.