A review by tori_tbr
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi


I think if you know someone in your life who really finds sports-talk interesting and likes listening to sermons and you want them to get into Anti-Racist books, that they will like how the author wrote this. It mixes examples from his and his wife's life to illustrate many different types of systemic and policy-driven inequality in the United States. It's a great primer/first step for people who want to get more involved. Personally, I do not respond well to the way sermons and sports pep-talks typically go and while I respect his historical knowledge I just didn't care for the evangelical tone of this book.

I am still recommending it because I understand my taste isn't the end-all, be-all but if you have a personal aversion to evangelical-style speaking and writing then I would not recommend it to you.