A review by sonialusiveira
The Godfather Returns by Mark Winegardner

Did not finish book.
Dnf at around 61 %.
The plot is not that bad but the writing is a bit dull. Also there is so many mafia families and characters that it is so hard to keep up with. Usually if books have these many characters, at around 25% or 30% of the book, I could already grasp who is who or who did what or whom something happened to. But it was not the case with this book, I have to suck it up and read till at around 45% when these names are already mentioned more than enough.

I know this book was just meant as “filling in the blanks” for the movie series but the characters here sound totally off from the original book. And it’s just not Fredo; I’m not against what he is introduced as (or rather implied, since I dnf it) in this book, honestly I’ll probably like it if he was being portrayed better. He does’t look like the ‘wise’ kid that was often in the background, listening to his dad’s lessons given to Sonny.

One thing that make me like The Godfather so much is the brotherhood and their ‘respect’ for each other which lacked strongly here. You may have noticed, I’m kinda addicted to mafia romances; mostly because of these ‘brotherhood’ and ‘respect’.

Anyways, I decided to give it one star for the author’s efforts. And at least for some of the plots. As mentioned earlier, the plot was not that bad, at least not until chapter 19. There’s a chance I’d probably continue reading it have I not seen the movies (II and III) and not knowing the ending, as I’m naturally a very curious person. But having watched the movies and know the ending, I feel like there is not enough motivation for me to continue with the reading.