A review by torts
Evasion by CrimethInc.


If [b:Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance|629|Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance An Inquiry Into Values|Robert M. Pirsig|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1157065130s/629.jpg|175720] had been written by an anarchistic straight-edge atheist youth, I think it would've been something like this. There's much less about it that smacks of resounding epiphanies (and much less, for that matter, that I find myself readily agreeing with) and the writing is amusing but often comes across as condescending and spiteful, despite its often silly tone. I didn't always enjoy the preachy animal-rights, anti-white-people (from a white kid, no less) messages, but I gained some respect for tramps. (Is "respect" the right word?)

Also, this guy's hilarious.