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A review by gardenjess
Hold Fast by Blue Balliett


I always recommend Blue Balliett when a parent is looking for something to read with your children - the books are all written so well that you forget that you're reading a children's book. This one is no exception.

The main character, Early Pearl, is thrust into the world of Chicago's homeless shelters after her father mysteriously disappears - after possibly getting mixed up in something very, very bad. The story weaves in the Pearl family's love of words and language, and the works of Langston Hughes. It also portrays what seems to be a realistic view of life in shelters, and how quickly a life or a family can get turned upside down.

Recommend to those looking for a story that incorporates homelessness, for those interested in the mystery genre, or those with an interest in Langston Hughes. Seems well suited to 4th and 5th grade, though those all the way to adult could enjoy this book.