A review by morgandhu
Traitor's Sun by Marion Zimmer Bradley


Traitor's Sun (pub. 1998) - the last Darkover novel published during Marion Zimmer Bradley's lifetime - is now generally credited to Adrienne Martine-Barnes, working with notes from Bradley.

It is this novel that changes everything about Darkover. In all the novels set in "present" time to this point, one of the key themes has been how to maintain a relationship between the technologically-based, galaxy-spanning Terran Empire/Federation and the planet-bound, laran-using, low-tech culture of Darkover. There have been changes, but for about a century, this dance between independence and reliance has been a major concern for both Darkovan rulers and Terran administrators. Now everything is changing.

The novel opens fifteen years after the events of The Shadow Matrix. Hermes Aldaran, the Darkovan Appointee to the Federation Senate, wakens out of nightmare - which he quickly realises is in fact a manifestation of the Aldaran gift. Trying to focus on the details, he "hears" the leader of the Expansionist party making an announcement that he knows will pose a serious threat to protected worlds like Darkover:

“I cannot permit the functioning of the Federation government to remain at a halt any longer,” Herm heard at last. “Since it is clear that the opposition is determined to hold the legislature hostage to their own inexplicable and selfish goals, I have no choice but to dissolve both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies until such time as new elections can be held and order restored.”

As Herm tries to determine for himself what this will mean, his thoughts reveal to the reader that much has changed for the worse over the past fifteen years. Both the living conditions and travel rights of both ordinary people and politicians have been curtailed - in fact, even Senators are only allowed one trip home every five years, for elections. All citizens are subjects of constant surveillance: "Like every other person on the planet, he was subject to constant observation. And there was nothing he could do about it, since disabling the spy eyes that watched and listened was a serious offense." Infrastructure and social and cultural programs are being ignored, while military spending is increasing: "New taxes had been passed for all member planets of the Federation, to build a fleet of dreadnaughts, great fighting ships, when there was no foe to defend against. Some worlds had protested, and even tried to rebel, and combat troops had been sent in to 'keep order.'"

Herm knows that this spells the beginning of a time of political and upheaval, perhaps even civil war, for the Federation, and that he, his family, and all of Darkover are in danger: "A handful of worlds were simmering on the edge of rebellion, and when the Premier disbanded the legislature, at least one of them would use it as an excuse to try to break with the Federation. He understood that, but he could not be sure that Nagy did."

Long aware that he might need an emergency exit strategy, Herm triggers the hidden programs that will enable him to leave at once for Darkover, when he realises that his gift has one more disaster to reveal - something has happened to Regis Hastur.

Herm and his family reach Darkover safely, only hours before Regis succumbs to the stroke which had incapacitated him a few days before - news which is being kept from both the populace and from the Terrans on Darkover, now commanded by Station Chief Lyle Belfontaine. Belfontaine has been plotting since his arrival to find a way to force Darkover into becoming a full member of the Federation - a change which he hoped would lead to his appointment as Planetary Governor. But now his plans are threatened by orders from Terra, announcing the closure of the spaceport in thirty days.

As the Comyn gather for Regis' funeral and burial at the rhu fead, Marguerida and Mikhail's oldest son Domenic (called Nico) discovers, purely by accident, that the Terrans have placed spies among the Travellers, that the Terrans now know of Regis' death, and that they are contemplating an attempt tp assassinate all of the Comyn during the burial procession. When Mikhail learns of this, he dispatches Herm - the least likely of his advisors to be recognised - to join Nico and continue surveillance.

Herm and Nico find further indications that the Terrans are planning some kind of intervention with the intent of destabilising Comyn rule. Mikhail calls a Council meeting, at which several members, including his own mother Javanne, question his fitness to succeed Regis - a conversation cut short by the remarkable appearance of Regis' spirit, returned from the Overworld with the aid of Varzil. Mikhail then informs the Council of the likelihood that the Terrans will attack the funeral procession on the way to the rhu fead.

The day following the funeral of Regis Hastur, the funeral procession set forth for the Rhu fead, leaving behind a group of defenders - including Lew and the telepaths of Arilinn Tower - in the event of an attack on the Castle. Mikhail and Marguerida ride with the procession, the long line of coaches carrying not the women and children of the Comyn, but armed Guardsmen, in addition to those riding openly with the procession.

The attacks come as expected. In Thendara, the telepaths, working through Lew and his gift of forced rapport, amplified by giant matrix screens embedded in the walls over the front gates, overwhelm the minds of the force arrayed against the castle, so that each soldier is faced with what he fears most. Thus made vulnerable, the Terrans - including Lyle Belfontaine - are easily taken captive by the Guardsman. The battle on the Old North Road is bloodier and more deadly. The Terrans, dressed as bandits, attack with blasters. Marguerida and Mikhail are able to protect most of the Darkovans with their combined power, but there is fighting, both with laran, and hand-to-hand, with deaths on both sides.

Afterwards, Lew and Marguerida use the Alton gift to blur the memories of the surviving Terrans, and when the last of the Big Ships finally comes to evacuate them, they leave without remembering how they were defeated. And for a time, the relationship between Darkover and the other children of Terra is ended.