A review by aconitecafe
Steeped in Suspicion by Eryn Scott


 I downloaded this without reading the blurb, thinking it was non-paranormal, and turns out, she can speak with ghosts, so that was a nice surprise. (as paranormals are my favorite lol trying to branch out!) It's the cover though, this series has some of my favorite covers! Instant download just from the cover alone.

At first I was a bit leery of this feeling like everything that could have gone wrong in her life did (don't want to give spoilers), but Rosemary has a lot of baggage. As the story went on, it does a great job at stretching all of those things out, and giving them the breath they need to not leave her seeming like a poor pitiful me type character.

I loved the flow of this story, it did a great job at introducing the town, and setting up the series. The mystery turns into two separate crimes, that has Rosemary talking to the majority of the townsfolk, and visiting many sites around town. I love this because it really let us get to know the area without any info dumping or out of place pop ins. The story does meander in places but it does it in a way that adds depth to Rosemary's emotional turmoil. Not just with her current situation in Pebble Cove, but also the situation she left behind in Portland. She does so much growth in this one book, that the slow parts of the story help it feel like it takes place over a much longer span of time.

All of the characters are quirky, and well developed. They feel like people I've met in my own small town and I look forward to getting to know them in future books. I'm glad that the ghosts feel like they will be as much apart of the cast as the living. So many ghost type books leave them in the sidelines, only using them when it's a must. But these ghosts enteract with Rosemary, same as the townsfolk. I was so EXCITED that romance was not apart of this book at all. YEEEESSSSS.

There were a few twists that I didn't expect, but was totally screaming NO WAY, NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE when they were revealed. Not everything was solved, and I'm glad because it just makes who they surround a bigger part of the cast, which I was rooting for.

You'll love this mystery if you love cozies that star a mid-twenties, educated sleuth who is working to find her own path in the world.