A review by erinmp
Candy and Me: A Love Story by Hilary Liftin, Hilary Liftin


This was cute. Liftin's memoir of her life is centered around all things candy. Candy Corn, Jellybeans, Snickers, Junior Mints, Bottlecaps, Skittles, Circus Peanuts, Taffy, Twizzlers, Necco Wafers, and Starburst--all of these and more have played a prominent role in her life. She flashes back to her life beginning with Bubble Burgers on through to Meltaways. Each candy reminds her of a specific time or event in her life. As she grows up and eventually falls in love, candy is slowly replaced by more important human interactions; but it never disappears. This girl is serious about her candy.

It was cute, but not terribly terrific. I'd give it 2 1/2 stars, sometimes rounded up to three. Maybe because I've never really been into a lot of sweets (Liftin's Halloween candy was gone the next day--mine was still lurking around at Easter), it didn't really "get" me. In fact, there were sometimes that I felt a little sick just reading about the amount of sugar she ingested. But it is a cute memoir, written in a unique way. Super-fast read.