A review by qu33nofbookz
Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson


This book stepped up the sense of humor without losing the mystery, thrill and western feel of the series even though it takes place in the city. I also learned something about Philadelphia too which was nice without seeming to read like a travel book.

Walt and Dog accompany Henry to Philadelphia for a photo exhibit on old photographs and to visit with his daughter. When he arrives he meets the mother of his deputy and his daughter bushes off their dinner date. That night she is attacked and severely injured. With the help of his deputy's family who are all cops Walt starts looking into what happened to his daughter. Between being with his daughter at the hospital and running around the city trying to solve his daughters case as the body count begins to grow the mystery begins to look like a conspiracy.

The characters are interesting and not annoying and many are relateable. There is humor as well as sadness in this book, with some wit too. The details are great without being overdone as to skip over them and you can see a picture in your head of the scenes. The dialogue related what you needed to know and the author has an every day voice and doesn't sound like he swallowed a thesaurus or dictionary which I loved. The pace was quick and easy without missing or leaving anything out or dragging on.