A review by portybelle
Murder at the Book Club by Betsy Reavley


"Honestly, you'd think there was nothing more harmless than a book club."

So says Marion Bolton, hostess of a book club meeting which goes disastrously wrong. Rather than a pleasant chat over a glass of wine or a cup of tea and some cake, many of the members end up arguing with each other and it all ends acrimoniously. Worse is to follow when the day after the meeting, a body is found on the local common and it is revealed to be the body of one of the group members. As the police begin their investigation, they discover there may be many potential reasons why the book club members may have wanted this woman dead... I did think the police came over as quite inept and I'm not sure they were following correct police procedures. However, this all added to mystery of whodunnit.

Murder at The Book Club is a quick and entertaining read very much in the cosy crime style of writing. I really enjoyed getting to know the ladies of the book club and discovering what little secrets they all had. I kept changing my mind about who I liked and who I didn't as we learned more about them. I certainly didn't know who to trust. I did have a theory about who the culprit might be but as usual I was wrong! Betsy Reavley definitely kept me guessing with this book. With all the potential motives for murder and so many red herrings along the way, this had the feel of a classic murder mystery and I feel it would lend itself well to a tv adaptation.

This book may have you taking another look at the members of your own book club, though I'm sure nobody is murderous in mine! You never know who might be hiding dark secrets...