A review by ladyarwen
Disclosure by Michael Crichton


"The law has nothing to do with justice...it's merely a method for dispute resolution."

Here's a Crichton book with no scifi other than predictions about CDs, DVDs, and VR that are so dated they add a comedy element to an otherwise serious book.

The back of the book tells us that a man is sexually harassed by his superior and has to deal with that. It's a wild ride and much more entertaining than I expected based on the synopsis. The afterword mentions that this is all based on a true story and I believe it because I can see that in general the characters are more developed than in some other books (like Prey- just look at Susan here vs. Julie there). My favourite characters are probably the lawyers who play logic games against eachother and can be ridiculously callous.

Sexual harassment and gender politics are important issues. Even if I don't agree with some of the ideas expressed here, I still appreciate the book.