A review by judyward
Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before by Tony Horwitz


Apparently what I knew about Captain James Cook could have been put on the back of a postage stamp and there would still be plenty of room for the adhesive. In this wonderful book, Tony Horwitz uses Captain Cook's journals of his voyages of discovery and sets out to visit many of the same places that Cook explored to try to understand the magnitude of Cook's accomplishments and to uncover how Cook is viewed in the Pacific Rim in the early 21st century. His travels took him to Australia--his home base, to New Zealand, Bora Bora, Tonga, England, Alaska and Hawaii, where Cook was killed, to name just a few. Along the way, he uncovers some unsettling and interesting history, meets some real characters, and realizes that Cook does not get the respect from historians that he deserves. On a completely different note, Horwitz travels with an Aussie named Roger who was a complete riot. Roger, the book would not have been the same without you.