A review by ravenslanding
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews


This is a grimdark urban fantasy. It's got graphic violence and brushes on sexual violence (though there is none on the page, and it is the villain being evil).

That said, it is still laced with dry humor that got better as the book went on. I laughed out loud a few times.

It took longer to like Kate than Nevada, but I do like Kate and want to keep reading.

The world is really interesting.

I knew some basic spoilers going in because I accidentally read a spin off that happens after Kate's main story, but I am enjoying the build up.

I took off a star because detailed description of entrails is rough on me. The fact that I am still reading is a testimony to how much I like everything else and trust in the author.

*second read through *
Kate's behavior in this story makes so much more sense having the context of later books, also it is really fun to see how much she has grown.
But I low key live for the moment when she sends a saucer of milk to Curren at the fancy restaurant. I also really love how Curren grows, and how his opinion of Kate changes. But even when they don't know or respect each other yet, you can see why the respect and regard start to grow.