A review by alexpoling
What If Someone I Know Is Gay?: Answers to Questions about What It Means to Be Gay and Lesbian by Eric Marcus


For me, this book was just a whole lot of "duh" answers. It's possible I'm not exactly the intended audience of this book...me being a teenager in 2016 whose friends are mostly lgbt something. I think I'm already pretty educated about this topic. Not to mention it was published several years ago, and is therefore very outdated. I'm also a little disappointed it didn't go into the lesser known sexualities... And I think some people (including myself) whose sexualities depend entirely on gender identity may feel a little left out from this book, as it only talks about gay, straight, and bisexual people.
What I did do is show this to some of my friends who are lgbt somethings and they found many of the questions HILARIOUS. Even the title, "What if someone I know is gay?" Ummm I'm glad this is a book of questions because that seriously needed a follow-up. The "duh" questions really just show how outdated this book really is, though I guess it may be helpful to the most open-minded straight ignorant person ever.