A review by chapteriosity
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


I'm out of word. Sweetly needs a word that means more than "AMAZING", "FANTASTIC", and "AWESOME"

I've got to be honest that I like Sweetly better than Sisters Red. Way better than Sisters Red - which might proves that Jackson Pearce's ability is truly 'growing'.

I like Gretchen. First because she has "I-wanna-change" spirit. And yeah, she gradually evolves from a pathetic-scared-girl, to a brave-lifesaver. I enjoyed her inner thought - thanks to Jackson. She's actually quite stable and focus. Loveable main character.

Sophia is one hell woman. I bet she would be a great actress if there was no Fenris thing and lost sister issue. Although I already thought that Sophia was gonna be the evil witch in the first place.

Does anybody imagine Samuel as a hot guy beside me? Cause that what I was constantly thinking while reading. Especially he holds rifle.

The plot and romance are built step-by-step, without a rush. The twists, the clues, the conclusion, I love every bits of the story.

The cover looks sweet and creepy at the same time. You can see a guy face formed by tree braches.

So, 2 stars for great characters, 1 star for well-written story, 1 star for not-a-rush or sickening-teenage romance, 1 star for the cover. Sweetly is definitely one of my favorites.

Complete 5 stars. Recommended.