A review by 8797999
The North Water by Ian McGuire


I very much enjoyed this book the first time I read it back in 2016 and now having re-read it almost 3 years later I enjoyed it even more. A very visceral read following an ill fated whaling voyage.

A dark cast of characters of whalers and our flawed hero, a memorable villain who is very easy to hate and from the start you can tell he's a wrong 'un.

The story is very good, though the end is a bit quick and sudden for my liking, but I suppose looking at it as a whole it works. I would recommend this to anyone, though it is not for the faint of heart with use of bad language and by bad language I don't mean f bombs. But it is how I imagine whaling was in those days, it certainly is no Pequad and Captain Ahab.