A review by scrittrice
The Hero Within by Bec McMaster


Full disclosure: I received a copy from the author for review. However, my opinions are my own.

I trust Bec McMaster. I think that’s the biggest takeaway I have for this book. I’d been wondering if I’m a little worn out on romance, as I just haven’t found myself taken with the ones I’d been reading lately. I picked up this book as the end in a series that I had good memories of, one that had made me forget a trans-Atlantic flight.

The groundwork was laid in the earlier books, with Johnny Coltan and Eden McClain both playing smaller roles in the previous books, though their relationship is paused until this book. We get deeper exploration of the world and further understanding of the wargs, as Eden fights a plague and Johnny acts as her unwilling guide across the dangerous Divide.

While I wouldn’t say that dystopian stories are my strongest favorite, I love these ones. McMaster even addresses the slightly troubling Indian magical artifacts of the first book, and we get some racial diversity in the cast. I’m only sorry that fantasy readers who would never pick up a romance book are missing out on some amazing world building and delightful storytelling. Because I trust McMaster’s storytelling.