A review by esmeralda
Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
Reasons for DNFing:
(1) The characters weren't great
(2) The dialogue was very unrealistic feeling: This is a debut though (I think) so I can almost forgive it.
(3) I get it, Charlie! You are FAT! 
I have incredibly mixed feelings about how fatness was portrayed in this book. On the one hand I think that it is incredibly important to respect and love your body regardless of your pant size, and I appreciate, as someone who is a size 8, seeing characters who are not size 2. That said, no matter what anyone says, being fat is NOT HEALTHY. Don't get me wrong: we should not be striving for thinness, but health. Yes for some women health is not going to be size 6, 8, 10 or whatever, but still being obese is not healthy.
(4) I have limited time and I want to read things that are either educating me and lifting me up or are entertaining me and growing my imagination.

Anyway, I gave up about two-thirds of the way through.

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