A review by bookgramsaga_
Hearts on Fire by Catherine Wiltcher


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (reread)

''The woman who tamed the devil''

Safety Warnings:
- H 38 / h 25
- No cheating
- No OW/OM drama
- Human trafficking
- Mention of child abuse/assault
- PTSD/trauma
- Violence/torture/d*ath





The story of the devil and his angel comes to an end and what an explosive last book!

We start right after book 2 ends where Anna has been kidnapped and taken by Sevastien's men and held for three days before being saved. This doesn't happen right away and the road to figuring out what happened to her, where she is and how to get her out is a major plot point. Of course, once she is saved she is no longer the Anna we knew, she is a shell of her former self and god only knows what was done to her within those three days. The only one she clings onto is Joseph, her relationship with Eve is strained because she views Dante has a true villain and refuses to understand why her best friend would ever marry him.

If you are more curious about her journey and her eventual relationship with Joseph please read the Grayson duet! It's amazing (once I get through my arcs I will keep going with my future rereads).

We also get a lot more information and Dante/Joseph's story and their time in Afghanistan.

I mentioned this in my original review, but Eve's father was the true villain in my eyes. Everyone else never pretends to be anything then what they are but he was the cause for so much pain when it came to Eve. He sold her when she was a CHILD to Sevastien for two weeks in order to join the organisation and make money....we do not know the length of which he was involved, was he abusing the girls too? but his ending was too quick and too easy in my eyes. Her mom was killed too, and I wonder if she knew? or found out about it at the end?

Roman was an enigma, he played the role of the FBI agent too well at times and you wondered what he was thinking when he made his decisions. It obviously was out of the desperation, and it backfired for a moment, but Dante gave himself up and placed Sevastien into the hands of the FBI to get Eve away.....did we actually think he would spend more time in jail or actually be sentenced? Of course, not lol

He was rescued after a month away and it is obvious that Roman helped get him out after telling him before he put the keys into his hand that he was taking over his father's work.

Another thing to note is that Eve is pregnant in this and by the epilogue she has given birth to another child. Both girls and both have books out now which I hope everyone will also read!

We get the final nail in the coffin for Dante about his daughter Isabella. Her remains were found, and he laid her to rest. That is all I will say about that storyline because this is one thing I won't spoil in my spoiler review!


Original review (2021): I’m sad this trilogy had to end since I’ll miss Dante and Eve, but I can’t wait to read about Joseph and Rick!

One thing I won’t miss is her dad since he was just disgusting, and I am in utter shock by his actions.