A review by lextypething
Me and Paul: Untold Stories of a Fabled Friendship by Willie Nelson


Thanks to NetGalley and Sony Music Publishing for this Advanced Review Copy

Me and Paul: Untold Tales of a Fabled Friendship by Willie Nelson with David Ritz is a wonderful portrait of a brotherhood spanning many decades. Willie is, of course, a natural storyteller, and I think this was a beautiful way to commemorate his friendship with the late Paul English.

This is not a biography and barely even a memoir, so if that’s what you were expecting this may not be the book for you. Me and Paul is a collection of short stories in a loose, chronological order depicting how Willie & Paul’s bond was so important to Willie Nelson + the Family’s success.

While I am a fan of country music, I am probably a casual-ish fan of Willie and maybe more of a fan of him than I am of his music. However, I would recommend this song to any music fan — whether you like country or not. I think it gives a really fun anecdotal snapshot of outlaw country culture that anyone vaguely familiar with the Willie and the state of Texas will appreciate and enjoy. Plus, who doesn’t love a story of friendship that has you crying at the end?

4 stars for Me and Paul!