A review by minsies
Tishomingo Blues by Elmore Leonard


I liked this more than Get Shorty (which is going to be a new series? The world is certainly full of things), although Leonard's world can seem pretty narrow if you read too many of his books back-to-back. (They are populated with the same types of characters doing the same types of things - Bo Catlett is not too far removed from Robert Taylor, for example.)

Dennis, however, is fairly interesting - I don't think I've read a book about a professional diver before - at least until the book gets into the denouement and things go fairly predictably. (There is a small part that is not so predictable, but enh.)

This is sort of a weird book, what with the world of professional trick diving thrown together with Civil War reenactment, but it mostly holds together. (Leonard's use of women is pretty dire most of the time, and his use of "bummy" at one point - not at all in a typical sense - is downright cringe-inducing, but it feels more clueless rather than intentional.)