A review by ashlanthomas
Confessions Of The Perfect Mom: Baby and Toddler Years by Kat Ryan


I loved this book! Such a quick, fun read and so very on point. Kat compartmentalizes every aspect of being a mommy in such a great way that there are laughs, head nods, been-theres, and, yes, even a little bit of tears. I can't tell you how many times I laughed out loud. The Poo and Breastfeeding Chapters...awesomeness! I, myself, have three daughters, and my experiences were so similar to Kat's, it was a little creepy. Honestly, it was like Kat had hijacked my every "mom thought" I ever had and wrote about it. You know those books "What to Expect...", add Confessions Of The Perfect Mom: Baby and Toddler Years to your MUST-READ list. If you're not a mom yet, you will thank me. If you are a mom, you will say, "Thank goodness. It's not just me."

*I received a copy from the author for an honest review.