A review by tehani
Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots by Seanan McGuire


I have become quite a fan of the superhero stories that unpack the problematic elements prevalent in comics and films of the traditional genre, and Velveteen fits this bill. Somewhat of a mashup of superheroes and child stars, the story considers the issues to do with young people being sheltered and essentially brainwashed into a conglomerate's idea of what they should be to best be part of the money-making machine. And then what happens when one of the stars steps off the merry-go-round.

McGuire's deft writing and talent for snark are underpinned by serious and complex issues, alongside rich and interesting characters who will surprise you with their depth. This was great, and fits nicely in my growing bunch of canon unpacking superhuman powers alongside Tansy Rayner Roberts' "Cookie cutter superhero", Deborah Biancotti's Bad Power, and the forthcoming Zeroes (by Biancotti, Lanagan and Westerfeld).