A review by snoopydoo77
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas


OMG I don’t even know what to say about this book without spoiling anything. I will make it short again like last review to avoid spoilers, Also if you have not read any of the previous books, I highly suggest you not read the review and go read the books. You will not regret it.
The books pretty much starts off where the last one ended, Like in the previous books we get multiple POVs again which I enjoyed so,so much. We also meet some new people. Some have been mentioned before but we never really met them.
While the book is a good size with almost 650 pages it reads super-fast, being so fast-paced and drawing you into the world of Aelin and her crew. It is super entertaining and has many surprises and even more plot twists.
As with previous books, we get plenty if heartwarming but also heartbreaking scenes. But as much as emotional this book is, happy or sad, we still get plenty of humor and see a lighter side of Aelin. She truly is funny in this book and had me laughing out loud multiple times.
With her returning to the Glass Court we get some reunions. Some of them were truly sweet and other a bit awkward and some brutal. We get a bit of everything.
I think about the last 20% of the book I was like “F&ck Yeah” to pretty much everyone and everything happening. Most of the things that were building up in the last book come together. Not everything yet but pretty close. I just kept cheering for them and really was satisfied with the things happening. Also don’t ty to figure out who will end up with who. I did and I was wrong mostly, so many things keep happening and things keep changing. While there are no real couple yet it is hinted towards the end at some of them, But ti be honest I’m not even sure about that since so much can change in the next book.
The end of the book must say was even a bit peaceful. While we know the war is still brewing and battles have to be fought, people will most likely die, it felt somehow really peaceful for even just a minute.
Here are some short summaries of the characters we meet throughout the book.
Aelin, I loved her in this book, she finally sees some light and hope and seems confident with herself. While she still struggle with her past she also accepts it and learns to live. She also makes a friend and learns to trust people again and it is truly amazing.
Chaol, we get to see a few different things with him. I liked him and still have a soft spot for him but parts of me wanted to strangle him at some parts. But towards the end, I saw hope but also was heartbroken.
Dorian, so many feels with him …… but he was also just really amazing in this book but also is a broken man.
Manon….. OMG I loved her soo soo much in this book and she has quite the arc in this book. I cannot wait to see more of her and her coven. I think great things will come of this. Or I hope so at least.
The King … yep he still an A-Hole and he still needs to go.
Aedion, I really enjoyed him, him and Aelin make a great combo and I enjoyed them together. But there is also some tension. That make things a little awkward between them.
Rowan, he is pure greatness in this book, even without his power. But he is also the one who frustrated me the most. Let’s just say he has some wicked will power. I could not get enough of him being loyal to the core, a true warrior and funny to top it.
Lorcan, we met him before and we get to see more of him but honestly I have no idea yet if he is to be trusted or not.
Elide. She confused me at first and what her purpose was, but it comes to light early on or so we think. I enjoyed her and can’t wait to see what will become of her.
Nesryn, I wasn’t a big fan of her at first but ended up liking her a lot.
Lysandra. Another great character. I really enjoyed her and she really climbed the favorite character ladder fast. I think we will see much more of her in the next book. Or at least I hope we do.
Overall it was just an epic book. Lots of action, guts and gore, hint of romance and humor. Lots of twist and turns that you won’t see coming and a satisfying ending in a way that makes you grave more of these characters.
I give this book a full 5 ★only because I can’t give it 6 .

Some of my favorite quotes:

“They joined hands.
So the world ended.
And the next one began.”
“Behind them, across the hall, the dancers shattered their roses on the floor, and Aedion grinned at his queen as the entire world went to hell.”
"I want to take my time with you..... learn every inch of you. And this apartment has very, very thin walls. I don't want to have an audience, when I make you moan. Aelin"
“Fire-breathing bitch-queen.”
“Even when we’re apart tomorrow, I’ll be with you every step of the way. And every step after—wherever that may be.”
“Rowan was watching Chaol as if he might be dinner.”