A review by penandpage
Accidents of Marriage by Randy Susan Meyers


Full Review - http://www.dishwaterdreams.com/book-reviews/book-review-accidents-of-marriage-by-randy-susan-meyers


Accidents of Marriage by Randy Susan Meyers was not quite the book I thought it would be after reading the description. I thought this was going to be a look inside a verbally abusive marriage. And it was at first.

I was actually hesitant to read the book because of that. There was one line that really stuck out to me from the first part of the novel.


Maddy is a social worker married to Ben, a lawyer. They have three children. Ben has quite a temper and Maddy is caught between keeping the peace and fighting for the life she wants. She usually choose peace.

But this isn’t a novel about their marriage as it was. This is a novel about what their family becomes after Maddy is severely injured in a car accident. It is a novel about love and tragedy. It is a novel about how a family is torn apart and how they try to put the pieces back together after tragedy.

I did end up liking the novel despite my reservations because it might have hit too close to home. It isn’t a happy read. It isn’t an easy read, but it is a worthwhile read.