A review by bookish_kaymarie
Vicious Prince by Lili St. Germain


I don't normally write reviews on a book but I feel like from all the books I've read this needs to be done.

Vicious Prince was a great book in my opinion don't get me wrong but a big thing that upset me is (and maybe I just missed it) there was no warning about the raping that occurs in the book. Rape is a very serious thing in this world and growing up a lot of people around me would make jokes of it but it's not funny, it shouldnt be put into books or movies, it's just not an okay thing in my opinion.. By the looks of the comments it seems not too mant people were bothered by that or that there was no warning about that stuff occuring in the story and that's fine but being someone who has lived through such a thing it's a hard thing to swallow because if the wrong person reads this and there is no warning they could be completely triggered and do something bad. Normally when rape is mentioned that's okay I can get through that and there was a warning at the end of the description about it being in there but in here it was full on details living through Avery's being raped and that's what hit the hardest and made me decide that while it was a great book that having to read very detailed paragraphs in the book of it happening and no warning that its in this book I give it 3 stars.