A review by ferrisscottr
The Classic Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


This book contains all 37 short stories of Sherlock Holmes plus the novel "Hound of the Baskervilles". I got this book about 25 years ago and have been reading one or two of the short stories every year.

Many many hours of enjoyment. Just a great read that I think everyone should experience.

I will be the first to admit that you really have to be in the mood for the style of writing that Doyle employs but when I'm in the mood nothing is better. Of course Sherlock Holmes is almost too smart to be believable and Watson can sometimes be a bumbling idiot but come on Holmes and Watson are two of the greatest characters in literature history! There are no secrets to give away or spoilers because we're all familiar with Sherlock Holmes so just go out and read this if you haven't.