A review by beyondevak
The Spark in the Machine: How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine by Daniel Keown


The Spark in the Machine is outstanding! Totally my kind of book, it is an exceptional blend of health science and life. The great thing about this book is its simplicity. It speaks in such a functional way, making the hard-to-understand understandable. I could lose myself for hours in this book. While it is certainly not a quick read, it is definitely a valuable one.

As a therapist with a strong interest in fascia and fascia-related disorders, I found this book to be intriguing. I would put my endorsement all over it. As a health-minded individual who is totally into wellness, healing, and wholeness, I would not hesitate to recommend this.

Those who invest in this title will surely not be disappointed.

Rating: 5/5+
Recommend: Yes
Bookshelf Worthy: Yes
Hard copy or Digital copy: Hard copy
Audience: Medical community, Health and Science programs, Alternative Health Practitioners, General community interested in understanding the human body and its function