A review by sarahjsnider
Bury Me in My Jersey: A Memoir of My Father, Football, and Philly by Tom McAllister


I'm a fan of the author's Book Fight! podcast. He has discussed the story of this book. It was published by Random House, he got a decent price for it--essentially everything hopeful authors want. Then, it got no promotion, is now out of print, and apparently The Silver Linings Playbook is the Eagles fans' book of choice.

So what is this book that came so close to success? It's the story of author's attempt to fill emptiness in his life. He swings wildly between being a decent human being and being a raging force of id. "My dad is so wise. I wish he were still alive." "I stole a police barrier and set it on fire." "My future wife is intelligent and kind. I wrote her a poem." "My friends and I pushed a ten-year-old who cheered against the Eagles." At times it was strange and uncomfortable to read.

It's compelling to hear someone write well about something they feel passion for. It was a bit like an origin story for Book Fight! And honestly, I wasn't sure if I'd care for a book will so much football in it, but I read the whole thing in a day.