A review by saffyofthecakes
Anna and the King of Siam by Margaret Landon


I read this book for mine and Carina’s ‘Artesian’ challenge. This was the A.

I did not enjoy this book. I found Anna’s character to be painfully selfish with a massive hero complex. She made horrible comments about the Siamese being ‘toads’ and was appalled when her servant was beaten but was happy to watch a woman be a whipped and then sold in front of her. She then talks about how much she hates slavery.

The only bits I did like were start, when you didn’t realise how horrible Anna is, and the end, when you don’t have too much to do with her.

I’m glad I read it, as it’s sparked good conversation with Carina. We’re going to watch the musical and movie, and it’ll be interesting to see how much the character has been changed to make her likeable.