A review by awesomeautumn
Caught Up in Us by Lauren Blakely


Another great book by Lauren Blakely. OMG JILL! Jill is Chris's (from Trophy Husband's sister) so somehow these books are going to tie together. I am glad when worlds are colliding. Kat and Bryan's story was just as hot and lovely. I am almost glad i got a stomach virus and confined to bed because i found a great author. Bryan was the best friend of Kat's brother and she crushed on him and then he reciprocated those feelings until one day he didn't and broke her heart. Kat made lemonade out of lemons and turned her heartbreak into a kick ass jewelry venture. She is on her way to success all she needs is a business degree all that is standing in her way is a class. In said class she is assigned a mentor. BRYAN! Dun- Dun- Dun...claws are out and ready to scratch. Can Kat let go of her unresolved feelings for Bryan so she can graduate and give her jewelry the market it deserves? Can Bryan just mentor Kat and keep his own feelings in check so they don't cross the no fraternization line that her professor has drawn thatcould get Kat kicked out of class? Can Kat listen to Bryan long enough to find out his reasons for leaving her brokenhearted? read it and see.