A review by serenitylive
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure


I thought this was a beautiful journey of one fan's exploration to discover not so much every real-life detail of the Little House books but to discover herself within her adoration of them. It rang so true for me with my own deep connection to a different series of books (Anne of Green Gables). Why do we love the books we love? Why do we want to see ourselves within them? And can we? I learned so much about the real Laura Ingalls Wilder - things I had not even wondered and which might have been disappointing if I had had a stronger feeling for her books. If you subscribe to a particularly evangelical/Christian view of the Little House story, you may be disappointed at times with this author's approach to them. But whether you are a fan or just a casual observer who actually prefers the fictional TV show to the (apparently) fictionalized books, THE WILDER LIFE is so worth the ride.