A review by pelicanfreak
Axxeon Commander's Pet by Liz Paffel


Book 2 in Paffel’s Mates for Axxeon 9 series picks up right where book 1 left off and from one book to the next, contains great continuity. In book 1, I sort of hated Quixx but book 2 is his show and I’ve found I’ve completely come around to him. He wasn’t as much of a jerk as he came off … without spoilers, I’ll just say he has reasons that explain things … my point is this was really well designed on the author’s part.

There’s great world building too as the drama picks up in this one while both the humans and Axxeons seem to have uncertain futures for various (ominously epic) reasons.

Paffel manages to work in plenty of heat and real feels … this book has its share of humor as well. I eagerly awaited this book after finishing Axxeon 1 and it was everything I hoped for and more.

It felt like a quick read, pretty fast-paced and I never wanted to put it down. I’m eagerly waiting for both, more in this series and really anything else I can get my hands on by this author.

4.5 stars