A review by yzreads
The Out-Of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Kranowitz


SO informative. The beginning of this book goes through all the differing forms of SPD and helps you to identify which system your child may have out of sync. There are checklists, scales, and charts to help you. My child would not stop running around any new environment, they simply had to touch everything to learn about it. He wasn't developing as fast as we had expected to with speech, so we scheduled an evaluation with a speech therapist. He proceeded to run around the room and ignore everyone while sweating profusely - it was at this appointment I learned that my kid had no idea how to self regulate. The speech therapist suggested occupational therapy and the pediatrician suggested this book. As soon as I started reading, I could find things that identified my kid.

There were also things that did not identify my child. SPD is a broad condition and some of the behaviors for the different types contradict themselves. There are those that avoid sensory inputs and also sensory seekers (my kid). This book will not give you a tailored solution to your child's SPD, but it will help educate you on what it is and why it's happening physiologically. Having this understanding has completely changed my outlook as a parent. The last chapters have some great do's and don'ts that I think could apply to any parent-child relationship. Overall this was an extremely informative book and a great place to start your journey determining if your child falls into the SPD category. There are dozens of resources in the back of the book too that I will definitely be looking into to continue my research.