A review by ameserole
Annihilate by Jaymin Eve, Leia Stone


I think my favorite part about this series was how short each book actually was. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Annihilate is the last book in the Hive Trilogy. Even though certain things did happen in this book.. I felt like everything was rushed. Especially when it came to everything revolving around Charlie being the cure. I just wanted more from this series because once I got something it was over 2.3 milliseconds later.

I think I'll miss the little found family within this series but I'm not really sure about that right now. There are certain parts I adored and wanted more of but others I could have done with out. I get that the drama needed to happen but Tessa becoming a vampire for like an hour seemed pretty pointless. I know that she was a vampire longer than that it just felt like it lasted for an hour.

Then there's the romance. I got kisses and I love you's.. and that's basically it. Heck yes I wanted way more than that. I guess the one good thing was Jayden's snarky ass being in these books because I would have rioted if he died randomly.

In the end, I guess I'm glad that I finally finished this short ass trilogy. Even though I wanted way more than what I got.