A review by karlakayjenniges
Big Stakes Jackie by Robert Ford


Big Stakes Jackie...."the man was enormous"...."He spoke carefully, choosing his words. It added to the overall impression of being one cold motherfucker."

He most certainly is!

Big Stakes Jackie recruits a Blackjack dealer to work for him. Offers him more money than he could ever possibly make in a year. He isn't told what the job is, everything is kept in secret. Too good of a deal to pass up he enters a contract he may never be able to get out of. Once your in, your always in! Do as your told and do not ask questions!

There is one particular moment that is a huge gut punch! Totally broke me! I actually shut the book and threw it down. Looked at my guy and pouted as a tear rolled down my cheek.

After gathering myself, I moved on and continued with the story.

Big Stakes Jackie is one very dark, brutal, and ugly character. The things he does are cruel and barbaric. Monstrous and unnatural!
He is hiding a deep secret, one which is eventually revealed.

Robert Ford knows how to construct a complex story in just a few pages. His writing style is magnificent!

"I've had sex in my life. And I've made love. There's a massive, wide canyon of difference between the two."