A review by michelleprokott
What Does It Mean to Be White?; Developing White Racial Literacy by Robin DiAngelo


How can I eloquently put into words what this book has done for me? My entire life, I have touted myself as a strong and relentless ally in the face of racism and oppression.

Damn, how wrong I was.

Dr. DiAngelo opened my eyes to the lens through which I’ve grown up seeing the world. I didn’t realize how much I needed this book. In order to grow and develop racial literacy, I needed to first understand the WHY behind the historical white perspective and how I could overcome my learned experience to become a better ally.

For anyone who has ever wondered how to step out of the shadows and do the work to fight racism and oppression, this is the book for you. It’s a perfect jumping off point to begin deeper learning and certainly should be followed up with books by people of color and meaningful conversations.

I am so thankful for the book club that I’m a part of, and the fact that this book was our first pick. As luck would have it, we were graced with the author's presence at our final virtual meeting about the book!! Conversing with Dr. DiAngelo was incredibly humbling and helped me to recognize that the antiracism journey is a lifelong commitment.

I’m here for it.