A review by serialromancelibrarian
A Heart Worth Healing by Cara Devlin


This is a squeaky clean and wholesome historical romance. The most action in this book is a little bit of kissing. The only slightly risqué content was mention of the prostitute’s gossip that Ellie overheard. It did not go into detail about what Ellie heard, though. I loved watching the Dr. Quinn show growing up. This book reminded me of it a good bit. I found Ellie’s character likable though she did try too hard as other characters in the book pointed out to her. She came off as a bit arrogant sometimes, but that added to her character development.

I felt the first 3/4 of the book dragged a bit. The writing and prose were very good, but it felt like Ellie’s character was just waiting for a catastrophe to befall her. At the end of the book when the truth was finally revealed, I felt she was scrambling to do damage control. That made the ending feel rushed and anticlimactic to me. I also would’ve appreciated more romance and a HEA. We just got a HFN. I recommend this book if you like historical Western and clean romances that remind you of Dr. Quinn.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.