A review by trin
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake


Oh, nostalgia. What can I say: I missed my boy! My sweet perfect boy! Xan-- lol, psych. Obviously Spike.

Anyway, this was fine. A fun Next-Gen style book. I guarantee you there are many fics available on the internet for free with a similar premise: some better, some worse, one the appalling one I wrote as a teenager. But Spike as a Watcher was fun -- nice to see some the "Restless" fulfillment. Spike and Willow's genuine friendship was lovely, as was Willow and Oz's (Blake is clearly on team "bisexual Willow," which I appreciate). I liked Willow's daughter Frankie, and Oz's cousin Jake, and the other new characters were...there. Definitely present. It's unfortunate that none of them can execute a plan for shit.

The premise launches from the idea that Buffy and Faith and a bunch of other Slayers have been suddenly killed, whicb I refuse to believe, and I don't think this meshes with the "canon" of the comics at all, but I can't say for sure as I long ago gave up on them. So publishers are really just putting out fanfic now! Okay! At least it's not more Reylo.

Anyway Spike was there and I liked that.