A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
When They Call You a Terrorist (Young Adult Edition): A Story of Black Lives Matter and the Power to Change the World by asha bandele, Patrisse Khan-Cullors


Going through the list of the books for continued reading in What is Black Lives Matter, this one interested me. This was fantastic.

I read the one adapted for young readers. I wasn't sure if this means it was abridged but as soon as I was reading it felt very much like nothing was cut out and was written for the masses. The only thing that stood out was the reader questions after each chapter, I assume to help younger readers be prompted into thinking about the finer details and form thoughts on the topics discussed. I thought this was fantastic and actually helps with regular reviewing and criticing of society as well as being a handy tool for what to include in book reviews, so you may see parts of my review following some of these prompts.

Learning about Monte damn near broke my heart. Not only was I feeling for his family but to imagine just a fraction of what he had been put through, and at his most vulnerable, is inconceivable. I had experienced loss in a slightly similar way with their first father walking out of the children's lives. I think I held onto a lot of anger that I worked through on my own as I took in the world around me, and later, slightly in therapy. My mother was a continuous strength for me, always, and so when she passed away too soon that was the loss that left me heartbroken and devastated. I most definitely haven't rebounded from this loss, but I am learning to live with it. Although Patrisse and her family didn't really "do" emotions, I'm glad she had their strength to rely on during her hardships. I'm also thankful she was able to surround herself in love through her friends.

This was incredibly powerful, moving and inspiring and to read about all the individuals to have played a part was awe inspiring.

I think it would have been nice to have captions under the photos to get a sense of who everyone was and at times I'd be a bit confused at placing as we jumped back and fourth in events that happened across time. But these are all minor things that urged me slightly, in the flow of reading.

My answers for the more specific questions:
I personally grew up in a predominantly all white neighbourhood and I think I'm one of the "lucky" ones in that I've never really faced rascim from that community growing up or from outside.
Police were around but it wasn't very obvious, from what I recall. Despite being a good child, there has always been something deep rooted in me that coils in fear at the police. Its that cease up, that tension of knowing I've done nothing wrong, yet the body is so anxious it may as well scream "arrest me". Maybe it's a learned behaviour wired in our DNA. How sad is that?

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<